Download OpenAPI specification:Download
The AM Signup Interface permits Asset Managers that have requested a Swissquote Technical Account to register new client.
The following document explains in detail how to use this service.
To run mock server you can find instructions here
Internal error
List of available business sector codes
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available commission fees models
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available correspondence countries
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available currencies
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available languages
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available legal countries
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available nationalities
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Internal error
List of available templates' names
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Creates new corporate client signup request
uuid required | string <uuid> (Signup identifier) Example: ec254f58-571a-4a47-af6c-954902834575 The generated UUID |
Corporate signup request payload
settings required | object (Account's settings) Account settings |
companyInfo required | object (Company's information) Company information |
companyProfile required | object (Company's profile) Company profile |
financialInfo required | object (Company's financial information) Financial information |
passwordChannel | string (Password channel) Enum: "POST" "EMAIL" "SMS" The way how client should receive password |
secondFactorChannel | string (Second factor channel) Enum: "POST" "ACTIVATE_ON_CONNECTION" The way how client should receive second factor |
Signup request contains invalid entries
Signup request with such uuid exists
Internal error
Signup information
Main server
{- "settings": {
- "clientType": "UNDER_MANAGEMENT",
- "fxAutoCompensation": true,
- "autoSaleExpiringWarrants": true,
- "template": "string",
- "commissionFeesModel": "string",
- "referenceCurrency": "CHF",
- "language": "FR",
- "notifications": [
], - "userRights": [
- {
- "operatorId": "1234",
- "operatorLogin": "asdf1234",
- "rightType": "READ"
], - "company": "16125"
}, - "companyInfo": {
- "companyDetails": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companySite": "",
- "dateOfInc": "1985-05-30",
- "incorporationCity": "Berlin",
- "incorporationCountryCode": "DE",
- "legalForm": "ASSOCIATION",
- "businessNature": "Some business nature",
- "employeesNumber": 23,
- "nogaCode": "FOOD",
- "geographicAreaCodes": [
}, - "businessAddress": {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
}, - "correspondenceAddresses": [
- {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
], - "contactPersonDetails": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "prefix": "+41",
- "number": "335557799"
}, - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "prefix": "+41",
- "number": "335557799"
], - "emails": ""
}, - "heardAboutSQ": "FRIEND",
- "promoCode": "string",
- "introducedBySmb": "string",
- "sponsorshipNumber": "string"
}, - "companyProfile": {
- "shareholders": [
- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "dateOfBirth": "1985-05-30",
- "nationalityCode": "DE",
- "email": "",
- "shareholdingPercentage": "15",
- "occupation": "Manager"
], - "signatories": [
- {
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "dateOfBirth": "1985-05-30",
- "nationalityCode": "DE",
- "position": "Director"
], - "classificationPursuantCode": "REPORTING_FINANCIAL_INSTITUTION",
- "taxResidences": [
- {
- "country": "CH",
- "taxId": "111-555-999",
- "otherTaxIdNature": "AHV"
], - "publicFunction": "Policeman",
- "usPerson": true
}, - "financialInfo": {
- "plannedInvestment": 15000,
- "wealthDetails": {
- "originOfMoneys": {
- "originOfMoney": [
], - "otherMoneyOrigin": "string"
}, - "annualRevenues": 1,
- "annualProfits": 1
}, - "relationBank": "string",
- "beneficialOwner": {
- "personDetails": {
- "title": "MR",
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "maritalStatus": "SINGLE",
- "birthday": "1985-05-30",
- "nationalities": "[DE, FR]"
}, - "address": {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
}, - "managementPosition": {
- "businessSector": "Art",
- "companyName": "Some company",
- "position": "Director"
}, - "accountUsages": {
- "usages": [
], - "otherUsage": "string"
}, - "referenceAccounts": [
- {
- "financialInstitutionType": "SWIFT_BIC",
- "financialInstitutionCode": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "bankName": "string",
- "bankAddress": "string"
}, - "passwordChannel": "POST",
- "secondFactorChannel": "POST"
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Creates new individual client signup request
uuid required | string <uuid> (Signup identifier) Example: ec254f58-571a-4a47-af6c-954902834575 The generated UUID |
Individual signup request payload
settings required | object (Account's settings) Account settings |
clientInformation required | object (Client's personal information) Client personal information |
clientProfile required | object (Client's profile) Client profile |
financialInfo required | object (Client's financial information) Financial information |
passwordChannel | string (Password channel) Enum: "POST" "EMAIL" "SMS" The way how client should receive password |
secondFactorChannel | string (Second factor channel) Enum: "POST" "ACTIVATE_ON_CONNECTION" The way how client should receive second factor |
Signup request contains invalid entries
Signup request with such uuid exists
Internal error
Signup information
Main server
{- "settings": {
- "clientType": "UNDER_MANAGEMENT",
- "fxAutoCompensation": true,
- "autoSaleExpiringWarrants": true,
- "template": "string",
- "commissionFeesModel": "string",
- "referenceCurrency": "CHF",
- "language": "FR",
- "notifications": [
], - "userRights": [
- {
- "operatorId": "1234",
- "operatorLogin": "asdf1234",
- "rightType": "READ"
}, - "clientInformation": {
- "personDetails": {
- "title": "MR",
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "maritalStatus": "SINGLE",
- "birthday": "1985-05-30",
- "nationalities": "[DE, FR]"
}, - "legalAddress": {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
}, - "correspondenceAddresses": [
- {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
], - "mobilePhoneNumber": {
- "prefix": "+41",
- "number": "335557799"
}, - "phoneNumbers": [
- {
- "prefix": "+41",
- "number": "335557799"
], - "emails": ""
}, - "clientProfile": {
- "mainEmployment": {
- "employed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist"
}, - "student": {
- "educationalInstitution": "string",
- "faculty": "string"
}, - "selfEmployed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist",
- "participatingInterest": "string"
}, - "unemployed": {
- "lastEmployer": "string",
- "lastOccupation": "string"
}, - "retiredEmployed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist"
}, - "retiredSelfEmployed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist",
- "participatingInterest": "string",
- "companyStillActive": true
}, - "retiredOtherEmployed": "string",
- "otherEmployed": "string"
}, - "secondaryEmployment": {
- "employed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist"
}, - "selfEmployed": {
- "companyName": "Company Ltd",
- "companyWebSite": "",
- "businessSector": "string",
- "jobTitle": "IT specialist",
- "participatingInterest": "string"
}, - "otherEmployed": "string"
}, - "taxResidences": [
- {
- "country": "CH",
- "taxId": "111-555-999",
- "otherTaxIdNature": "AHV"
], - "executivePosition": "string",
- "publicFunction": "string",
- "usPerson": true
}, - "financialInfo": {
- "plannedInvestment": 1,
- "globalAssets": 1,
- "wealthDetails": {
- "assetsCashPercent": 10,
- "assetsRealEstatePercent": 15,
- "assetsIndustrialPercent": 20,
- "assetsSecuritiesPercent": 25,
- "assetsOtherPercent": 30,
- "securitiesSharesPercent": 25,
- "securitiesBondsPercent": 25,
- "securitiesFundsPercent": 25,
- "securitiesOtherPercent": 25
}, - "moneySources": {
- "sources": [
], - "otherSourceDetails": "string",
- "mainMoneySource": "string",
- "moneySourceDescription": "string"
}, - "accountUsages": {
- "usages": [
], - "otherUsage": "string"
}, - "beneficialOwner": {
- "personDetails": {
- "title": "MR",
- "firstName": "John",
- "familyName": "Smith",
- "maritalStatus": "SINGLE",
- "birthday": "1985-05-30",
- "nationalities": "[DE, FR]"
}, - "address": {
- "country": "CH",
- "city": "string",
- "streetAddresses": [
- "string"
], - "postCode": "string"
}, - "referenceAccounts": [
- {
- "financialInstitutionType": "SWIFT_BIC",
- "financialInstitutionCode": "string",
- "accountNumber": "string",
- "bankName": "string",
- "bankAddress": "string"
}, - "passwordChannel": "POST",
- "secondFactorChannel": "POST"
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Find signup request information by id
uuid required | string <uuid> (Signup identifier) Example: ec254f58-571a-4a47-af6c-954902834575 The generated UUID |
Signup not exists
Internal error
Signup information
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"
Find signups requests information by specified criteria
status | Array of strings Items Enum: "ACKNOWLEDGED" "REQUEST_FAILED" "AWAITING_DOCUMENTS" "OPENING_IN_PROGRESS" "ACCOUNT_OPEN" Statuses to search signups information |
page | integer <int32> >= 1 Default: 1 Page number |
maxCount | integer <int32> <= 10000 Default: 1000 Max count of signups to return |
Internal error
Found signups
Main server
{- "description": "string",
- "fieldDetails": [
- {
- "field": "string",
- "reason": "string"